Sep 12, 2017

31 Day Blog Post Challenge - Day 2 - 20 Facts About Me

I found this challenge on Pintrest a million years ago and finally decided to accept said challenge as a way to jump start my blog. Unfortunately life got in the way and it's 2 months later. -_-;; It never said that it had to be done in 31 CONSECUTIVE days...

Day 2 is 20 Facts About Me...I've spent most of the day trying to come up with facts about me that went beyond my favorite color or my favorite brand of perfume. I can't promise that this list won't bore you to tears but I can guarantee that you will learn you a thing.

So without further are 20 facts about yours truly that you may not already know!

Let's get the basics out of the way:

1. My favorite color is pink. It's actually surprising considering back in middle school and high school I abhorred the color pink. I would avoid it at all costs. These days, pink is everywhere...there are even pink sparkles in the blue paint on my car. I did a "Photo A Day" challenge back in the day and day 2 was "P is for..." and I immediately went PINK! I took a photo of every single pink office supply I had on my desk that day. I miss that highlighter...

2. I'm a Coke addict. Not the white powder kind, thank you very much. The kind that comes in the red can. It's followed closely by Mountain Dew if only for the caffeine. I know, I know. Soda is the devil and it's a large part of why I'm as big as I am but oh sweet Lord those bubbles...I've cut my soda intake way back over the last few months but I can't seem to shake the full habit.

3. My favorite movie of all time is The Princess Bride. I could watch that movie on a non-stop 24/7/365 loop for the rest of my life and never grow tired of it. The epic love story, the action, the's absolutely the best movie ever made.

4. I wanted to share my favorite book but that's like asking me to pick a favorite child. I love books...books are like oxygen for me. Books became a way for me to escape the hell that was middle and high school. Not only that but books were a way that I could connect to other people. It was so much easier to make friends or talk to people if they were holding a book I recognized or they mentioned an author I loved. If I had to choose a couple of my favorites to share with the masses there are four series/author's that I adore: The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, ANYTHING by Tamora Pierce but especially the Song of the Lioness quartet, and two new favorites: Jenna Black and her series The Devil Inside and Dianne Sylvan with her Shadowflame series.

 5. It takes an act of congress and a commandment from God to get me to wear a skirt or dress. I have to be between laundry days or worse to voluntarily wear one. I've gotten better about it but I adore my jeans and t-shirts.

6. I was born in San Antonio, Texas. I moved to Missouri when I was eight years old when my parents split. When I'm really drunk or extremely exhausted or, annoyingly, when I go visit my in-laws, my accent comes back.

7. I'm a dog person first and foremost but my husband is slowly converting me into a crazy cat lady. I'm kind of annoyed by this prospect.

8. I am slightly obsessed with crime dramas, Food Network game shows, and medical dramas. As I write this, I am binge watching the latest season of Criminal Minds.

9. I am more than a little obsessed with Once Upon a Time. If Preacher and I ever part, I am marrying Captain Hook. Never mind that he's not real. I don't need your logic. I'm not excited about this upcoming reboot and I am going to miss Captain Swan as I thrive on angst but I guess I'll give it a shot.

10. My favorite place on earth is Branson, MO. Mom used to take us down there every summer when I was a kid...we'd go shopping, hang out at Table Rock Lake, go to Silver Dollar City and Shepherd of the Hills. Some people have referred to it as "Hillbilly Vegas" and complain about the cheesiness of it...I wouldn't change a thing. It's comforting and freeing and I can't wait to get back.

11. I am a night owl. I don't do mornings. Most people can function at 9-5. Not me. I LOVE my 3:30p to 12a shift. I can stay up late and sleep in. I recognize that I am on the complete opposite schedule of half of the world but it works out for me. The sun is overrated anyway.

12. I am NOT a natural red head. I know most women would rather die than admit something like that but I'm not most women. My natural hair color is a dirty blonde that I HATE so one day about 15 years ago I decided enough was enough...I went about as bold as I could and I haven't looked back. I went black for about 3 was for a costume and was supposed to be a level 2 dye, the kind that washes out after 24 washes or whatever. It did not. My mother did not speak to me for a week over that fiasco. But after two bleach treatments and 8 hours in the salon chair I was finally back to red.

13. I have a younger sister who is my complete opposite. I am pale with light colored eyes and she is dark complected with dark eyes and hair. I'm country, she's hip hop. She's a ginormous pain in my ass but I guess all siblings are.

14. I have a wall of hotness in my office...Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins, Fenris and Anders from Dragon Age II...all drawn by Radiant Grey. I want to add to said wall but his originals are expensive and I am poor.

15. When  I was a Junior in high school, I got a JV letter in swimming.

16. I never learned to swim.

17. I have two YouTube channels: LyriumBiotic Derps Around Video Games and a vlog for My Head is Full of Starshine. My derping around videos are just me playing my favorite games and adding in my flavorful commentary. The vlog currently is documenting my weight loss journey and my insights, tips and tricks for Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery.

18. I own two sewing machines, an embroidery machine and a serger. They are my precious and I will cut you if you try and touch them.

19. I am an office supply junkie. Seriously, I could spend HOURS in Office Max and be so happy.

20. I lived in Iowa for 3 months before I realized that I am a social introvert and couldn't stand being that far away from my friends and family. Now I live in Illinois...and it's not ideal but the rent is cheap and the neighborhood isn't a dump.

So there you have it...20 totally random facts about me. You probably want to know about the swimming thing, right? I was the team manager. My science teacher was the girl's swimming coach. For every match I attended after school, I got extra credit...that I desperately needed. The class wasn't hard...I was just lazy as hell. Bonus fact!


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